Make money blogging

Filed under: by: Luka

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna share with you a few ways to earn money by blogging. I believe that 90% of blogs are making money. And why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't you? You lose almost nothing, but you can get much. So here are some ways to make money blogging:

Google Adsense

I think Adsense is the most simple way of making profit. When you use it, it adds some links on your blog and when someone clicks on the link, you get money.

There is no much difference between Adbrite and Adsense, only Adsense makes you more money, so it's probably better.

AdBrite Inline adds
This one is a little different. If you use it, some words in your text will be double-underlined, and they will have hyperlink. If someone clicks on hyperlinks, your wallet becomes thicker.
Pretty simple is how this work: They find a sponsor who pays you to put some links on your web page. Of course, sponsor won't come to a starter blog, but to one with much traffic.

PayPerPost and ReviewMe
Simply, after you sign up, clients will purchase reviews from you. You can get much money here, but you also have to be a got reviewer.


OK, now you know how to get money with your blog. It's logically that you will get more money by having more visitors (or traffic they say), but more about it in one of my next posts.


On 16 August 2009 at 02:06 , Anonymous said...

hey thank you for these info' i have google ads but my earings not much' can you explain how to increse my earings? thank you

On 16 August 2009 at 02:08 , Anonymous said...

hey thank you for these info' i have google ads but my earings not much' can you explain how to increse my earings? thank you

On 16 August 2009 at 02:08 , Anonymous said...

thanks again