Top 5 quick blogging tips

Filed under: by: Luka

There are thousands tips about blogging on the internet. Some are more useful some are less, but here are top 5 blogging tips that I think are the best:

1. Be yourself
I think there's no reason to copy someone else. You should try be the same offline and online. If people like how you write they will come back.

2. Post frequently
I try to post every day, because I think then people will come back every day looking for a new post. If you don't write anything for a week, someone will sure think that you stopped writing and he will not come back.

3. Importance of content
I believe that content is most important to make visitors return. People come to your blog to read, not to see the design or something else.

4. Be nice
If someone comments on your post or sends you an e-mail, it's nice to thank him and answer his questions.

5. Be honest
Just be honest - people will appreciate it.


On 31 July 2009 at 17:06 , SBA said...

Good list. I think content is important and reader comments/questions help you fine-tune your content. It's important to know where your readers came from (use statistics/analytics tools)so you can do some promotion.

I follow all of these except #2 since I have a second blog and divide my time. I think most people just get your RSS feed or see your post on blogroll/dashboard and get a trigger to visit. Not sure they just 'drop in' every other day to see if you have new content. But frequency is good for search engine ranking/indexing.

On 1 August 2009 at 02:27 , Luka said...

Thank you on comment!

Well, about #2, I partly agree with you.... But i think it's better to post frequently if you have time.

On 1 August 2009 at 16:59 , Jed78 said...

Good info! I'm trying to get a few blogs going myself and every little bit of info helps. Im going to follow your blog I like it, and the theme rocks!
